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DPL LED Skin Rejuvenation Lamp

DPL LED Skin Rejuvenation Lamp
The DPL LED skin rejuvenation lamp is based on the latest high technology, and adopts the peculiar mere number in the world conducts technology instead of light and heat effect.
Sincery International Ltd. is a professional supplier of various beauty equipment and medical equipment. It is much experienced in providing total solutions and menu style products choice for labs, clinics, and beauty salon.

We supply Jetpeel skin rejuvenation machine (water-oxygen machine) , Laser breast enhancer, Intense Pulse Laser skin rejuvenation, Hair removal, Laser Tattoo Removal, RF skin rejuvenation and tightening Equipment, Wood lamp, LED Skin Rejuvenation and Therapy Equipment, Body Slimming System, etc.
For more information in detail, please visit our website or contact with us directly.
-- Wavelength:
Red light: 640+/-5nm
Blue light: 415+/-5nm
-- Intensity of light sources:
Over 5000mcd (at wavelength of 640nm)
Over 2000mcd (at wavelength of 415nm)
-- Square of spot: 350x240mm
Category: Health & Beauty / Beauty Placement Date: Aug 14, 2007 GMT
Company name: Sincery International Limited Company type: Exporter, Importer, Service, Other
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Offers list from this company:

  1. [Sell] Laser Breast Enhancer Equipment
  2. [Sell] Strong Nd YAG Laser machine
  3. [Sell] Multi Purpose Cosmetic IPL and YAG Machine
  4. [Sell] RF Skin Rejuvenation e1 System
  5. [Sell] Radio Frequency Skin Rejuvenation Tightening Machine
  6. [Sell] Body Slimming System
  7. [Sell] Wood Lamp
  8. [Sell] Laser Tattoo Removal Equipment
  9. [Sell] IPL Hair Removal Portable Type
  10. [Sell] Nd: YAG Laser Tattoo Removal
  11. [Sell] Jet peel
  12. [Sell] Laser Breast Enhancer and Enlargement Machine
  13. [Sell] IPL Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation
  14. [Sell] RF. Radio Frequency skin rejuvenation system
  15. [Sell] Laser Tattoo Removal Portable
  16. [Sell] DPL LED Skin Rejuvenation Lamp
  17. [Sell] LED Therapy DPL Therapy Skin Rejuvenation Light
  18. [Sell] IPL Hair Removal Equipment
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  21. [Sell] Spectrophotometer
  22. [Sell] Handheld Refractometer
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  26. [Sell] Water Purification System
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  32. [Sell] Laser Breast Enhancer Equipment
  33. [Sell] Strong Nd YAG Laser machine
  34. [Sell] Multi Purpose Cosmetic IPL and YAG Machine
  35. [Sell] RF Skin Rejuvenation e1 System
  36. [Sell] Radio Frequency Skin Rejuvenation Tightening Machine
  37. [Sell] Body Slimming System
  38. [Sell] Wood Lamp Equipment
  39. [Sell] IPL Hair Removal Equipment
  40. [Sell] LED Therapy DPL Therapy Skin Rejuvenation Light
  41. [Sell] DPL LED Skin Rejuvenation Lamp
  42. [Sell] Laser Tattoo Removal Portable
  43. [Sell] RF. Radio Frequency skin rejuvenation system
  44. [Sell] IPL Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation
  45. [Sell] Laser Breast Enhancer and Enlargement Machine
  46. [Sell] Jet peel
  47. [Sell] Nd: YAG Laser Tattoo Removal
  48. [Sell] IPL Hair Removal Portable Type
  49. [Sell] Laser Tattoo Removal Equipment
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